Practice Area

Management and Leadership

Critical Communications: What You Want, How You Feel, What You Say

  • Traditional Classroom: 2-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Four 3-hour sessions

Individual and team success depends upon the ability of individuals to communicate with others, face to face, as well as virtually. Every interaction with another person determines how you are perceived and every interaction is an opportunity to develop trust and exert positive influence. Whether presenting one to one or to an audience of one thousand, conveying information to a project team or delivering a difficult message, communicating effectively is one of the most powerful skills for achieving your objectives. This course develops your ability to focus on your outcome, tune in to your audience and develop your message for clarity and impact. Your ability to create an environment for open discussion and ongoing dialogue is crucial for communication success. The communications skills covered in this course will increase your ability to exercise choice and control for every type of conversation, influence with out authority and improve quality of relationships and productivity.

Target Audience

Individual contributors, Managers, Team leaders, whose success depends on their ability to communicate clearly, to be understood and to influence how another person performs, and create positive working relationships.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop well defined goals for more effective communication.
  • Create an open environment for communication.
  • Develop the skill to communicate clearly.
  • Build stronger relationships through powerful communication.
  • Develop an understanding of other people‘s communication styles and needs.
  • Facilitate effective team and meeting communications.
  • Gain the confidence to deal with difficult communication situations.

Key Takeaways

  • Goals for Specific Communications — define your goals and then the most effective methods for delivery.
  • The Communication Process — understand the six step process.
  • Foundation Tools — for setting the stage for successful communications, one on one and with groups.
  • Barriers to Effective Communication — identify and develop methods to break down those barriers.
  • Communication Skills — learn how to combine the four key components and five basic skills to communicate with impact.
  • Influencing Techniques — expand on communication skills, using techniques and strategies to influence other‘s behaviors and develop more collaborative working relationships.
  • Planning a Communication Strategy — identify your communication outcome and plan the best approach for achieving positive results.
  • Face to face and Virtual Facilitation/ Meeting Communication Skills — learn to communicate and facilitate effective group interactions.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introductions
  • Goals, Roles, Process
  • Ground Rules
  • Key Relationships
  • Exercise: Your Requirements
Module 2: Principles for Interactions
  • The Communication Process: Six Steps
  • Exercise: Evaluating Your Process
  • Breaking the Barriers
  • Know Your Purpose/Audience
  • Craft a Compelling Message
  • Outcome Thinking
  • Four Components of Communication
    • Exercise: Identify the Lead System
    • Five Communication Skills
    • Gaining Rapport
    • Listening for Understanding
    • Expressing Assertively
    • Questioning for Information
    • Exercise: Questioning
    • Summarizing/Checking Back
  • Listening Self-Evaluation
  • Application Exercise
Module 3: Emotional Intelligence
  • Five Components of Emotional Intelligence
    • Exercise: Using Emotional Intelligence
  • Feedback
    • Exercise: DESC Model
  • Influencing
  • Personal Change
  • Exercise: Personal Change
  • Influencing Templates
  • Exercise: Influencing Application
  • Persuasion Triggers
Module 4: Conflict Management
  • Three-Step Model
  • Three Fundamental Questions
  • Conflict Style
  • Conflict Management Analysis
  • Conflict Case Studies
Module 5: Leadership Accountability
  • Difficult Conversations
  • Exercise: Difficult Conversations Application
  • What Teams Need
  • Communication Plan
  • Reflection

MDI357 Course Code

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