Practice Area

Management and Leadership

Building Emotional Intelligence

  • Traditional Classroom: 1-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Two 3-3.5 hour sessions; Three 2-hour sessions

Our ability to deal effectively with our emotions in the work place is critical to our success as managers and service providers. As the pace of the world increases and our environment makes more and more demands on our cognitive, emotional and physical resources, Emotional Intelligence is increasingly critical as a skill set. Emotional Intelligence strategies combine with native intelligence increase our ability to successfully manage the constant challenges from customers and our business associates.

Through skill building exercises, and group discussion, this one-day course will provide you with the opportunity to identify your own challenges in maintaining positive environments and collaborative relationships as well as overcoming resistance and negativity. Participants will explore tools, techniques, skills and perceptions to perform your role and manage your emotions with confidence and positive results.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include anyone at any level who wants to develop their emotional intelligence and build stronger relationships.

Course Objectives

  • Self-assess proficiency in four domains of emotional intelligence (EI).
  • “Track ” emotions in your mind and body.
  • Articulate ways to build self-awareness.
  • Describe techniques for de-escalating personal emotional responses.
  • Decode emotions in another person.
  • Practice active listening techniques in a real-life scenario.
  • Connect a productive conversation mindset with a positive outcome.

Course Outline

Session 1: Starting with Self

Getting Started

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Course Goal and Objectives
  • Opening Activities
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The Five Key Skills of Emotional Intelligence

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Interpersonal Relationships

Starting with Self

  • Self-Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence Skills Self-Assessment
  • Activity: Decoding Emotions — Listening to “The Music ”
  • The Importance of Congruent Communication
  • Activity: How the Body Keeps Score
  • Getting to Emotional Neutral
  • Acting by Choice, not Impulse

Enhancing Self-Awareness

  • Mindfulness
  • Monitoring Your Self-Talk
  • Identifying Unhelpful Thinking Patterns
Session 2: Building Relationships

Perceptions Versus Reality

  • The Paradigm of “Seeing ”

Understanding Others

  • Intention vs. Impact
  • Class Activity: Story Time
  • Ladder of Inference Model
  • Video: Rethinking Thinking

Communicating Effectively

  • Effective Communication Requirements
  • Class Discussion: Communication Filters
  • Group Activity: Decoding Emotions

Listening to Understand

  • Listening Skills Spectrogram Activity
  • Three Levels of Listening
  • Using Empathy to Tune into Emotion
  • Nonverbal and Verbal Listening Techniques
  • Paired Activity: Listening Actively

A Productive Conversation Mindset

  • Productive Mindset = Outcome Thinking
  • Group Activity: Making a Change
  • Emotional Intelligence Force-Field Analysis
Wrap-Up and Personal Action Planning

MDV1493 Course Code

For more information on this topic, as well as how Corporate Education Group can help power your organization’s performance, contact us via email or call 1.800.288.7246 (US only) or +1.978.649.8200. You can also use our Information Request Form!

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