Practice Area

Management and Leadership

Choice and Control: A Positive Approach to Conflict

  • Traditional Classroom: 2-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Four 3-hour sessions

Any one working with others will experience situations where confrontations and conflicts occur. There will always be conflict. It is critical to our professional survival that we know how to analyze and respond to conflict situations and what communication skills to use to manage it successfully. This course is designed to give participants the opportunity to focus on specific skills, tools and techniques to strengthen and expand their ability to work creatively with all types of conflict and improve effectiveness in interpersonal relationships and negotiations. Throughout the two days participants practice applying skills, tools and different approaches to their own specific conflict situations. A variety of individual, pair and team exercises are structured that allow the participants to experience “Real” plays and exchange constructive feedback on conflict style and skills.

Target Audience

Supervisors, managers, team leaders, team members who are faced with and must effectively resolve conflict situations that take place in the workplace setting.

Learning Objectives

  • Adopt a positive approach to conflict.
  • Understand and analyze the nature of and reasons for conflict.
  • Use emotional intelligence in conflict situations.
  • Identify five conflict positions and the effects of each.
  • Apply intervention models in conflict situations.
  • Promote successful communication in conflict situations.
  • Increase confidence in dealing with difficult situations.
  • Gain an awareness of your own conflict style.

Key Takeaways

  • Conflict Analysis — use a model to understand and analyze the root cause of the conflict and then determine the best method for resolving the conflict.
  • Conflict Management Processs — learn specific techniques for dealing with conflict that leads to constructive rather than destructive outcomes.
  • Conflict Management Styles — learn about your preferred style and be able to recognize the styles of others.
  • Foundation Skills — the use of emotional intelligence, perception analysis, active listening, expressing without provoking for non-defensive communication.
  • Influencing Strategies and Techniques — learn to understand the other person’s concerns and adjust your approach to meet common needs.
  • Facilitation Skills — develop prevention and intervention techniques for facilitating team conflict.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction
  • Agenda and Ground Rules
  • Building Blocks of Conflict Management
  • Layers of Conflict
  • Conflict Sources
  • Self-Evaluation
Module 2: Conflict Styles
  • Five Styles
    • Competition
    • Avoidance
    • Accommodation
    • Compromise
    • Collaboration
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
  • Exercise: How Do You Handle Conflict?
Module 3: Four Cores of Trust
  • The Trust Equation
  • Characteristics of Trusted Relationships
  • Four Cores of Credibility
    • Integrity
    • Intent
    • Capability
    • Results
  • Exercise: Four Cores of Credibility
Module 4: Emotional Intelligence
  • Needs and Wants
  • Exercise: Negative Outcomes and Needs and Wants
  • Five Components of Emotional Intelligence
    • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Regulation
    • Self-Motivation
    • Empathy
    • Effective Relationships
  • Exercise: Emotional Intelligence
Module 5: Managing Conflict
  • Goals, Expectations, and Values
  • Conflict Management Process
  • Reasons for Difference
  • Conflict Case Study
  • On-the-Spot Conflict Management
  • Exercise: Your Conflict Situation
Module 6: Guidelines for Interactions
  • Relationship Success Factors
  • Principles to Guide Interactions
  • Outcome Thinking
  • Four Components of Communication
  • Five Communication Skills
    • Gaining Rapport
    • Listening for Understanding
    • Expressing Assertively
    • Questioning for Information
    • Summarizing for Clarity
  • Communication Process
  • Conflict Communication Skills
  • Exercise: Listening Assessment and Self-Evaluation
Module 7: Difficult Conversations
  • Causes of Difficult Interactions
  • Difficult Conversations and the Brain
  • Advocacy and Inquiry
  • Conversation Mindsets
  • Exercise: Difficult Conversations Steps
  • Influencing
  • Exercise: Using the Influencing Framework
  • Predictive Index
  • Next Actions

MDI327 Course Code

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