Practice Area

Management and Leadership

Communicating with Impact Using Everything DiSC®

  • Traditional Classroom: 1-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Two 3-3.5 hour sessions; Three 2-hour sessions

Communication is a foundational skill that impacts your success in both business and life. The way we communicate with others informs higher-level capabilities like influencing, emotional intelligence, conflict management, and leadership. In this highly interactive course we will use the Everything DiSC® framework as a lens to explore and understand communication needs, styles, and preferences.

We will build on these insights and take a look at team dynamics through the lens of DiSC, conducting SWOT analysis to gain insight into strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. We will investigate the concept of productive conflict, practicing active listening techniques and distinguishing between functional and dysfunctional conflict. Lastly, we will define norms and team agreements that will build psychological safety on our team(s) and take us to a new level of effectiveness with communication and performance.

Target Audience

This course is designed for teams or individuals who wants to become more effective in the way they communicate and connect with others.

Learning Objectives

  • Infer how your personality impacts your communication preferences.
  • Determine how communication styles and combinations impact working with others.
  • Identify ways to problem solve communication challenges when others have different styles.
  • Perform a SWOT analysis on your team through the lens of DiSC.
  • Distinguish between functional and dysfunctional conflict in a work environment.
  • Practice active listening skills.
  • Describe the four stages of psychological safety.
  • Identify norms and ground rules/social agreements to build trust and enhance communication effectiveness.

Pre-Course Work

Everything DiSC® Online Self-Assessment

Course Outline

Getting Started
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Course Goals and Objective
  • Opening Activities
The Goal of Communication
  • The Medium and the Message
    • Communication Filters
    • A Lesson from the Archery Range
  • Personality and Communication Styles
    • Cornerstone Principles of DiSC
    • Class Activity: Identify Your DiSC Style
Exploring Your Everything DiSC Report
  • Level of Inclination Toward Your Style
  • Priorities of Your DiSC Style
  • Individual Activity: Personalize Your Report
  • Small Group Activity: DiSC Style Motivators and Stressors
  • Individual Activity: Reacting to Other Styles
    • Class Activity: Identify the DiSC Style...
Increasing Your Personal Effectiveness
  • Individual Activity: What Challenges You?
  • Small Group Activity: Flexing Your Style
  • Individual Activity: Strategies for Action
  • Small Group Activity: Taking Action
Team DiSC Map and SWOT Analysis
  • Review of Individual Styles and Team Composition
  • Class Discussion: SWOT Analysis — Communication
  • Small Group Activity: SWOT Analysis — Additional Attributes
  • SWOT Analysis: Team Communication
Congruence and Connection
  • Maintaining Attunement: Verbal Active Listening Techniques
  • Paired Activity: Listening Actively
Understanding Conflict
  • Conflict Basics
  • Small Group Activity: How Do You React to Conflict?
  • Spectrum of Responses to Conflict: Silence to Violence
  • DiSC Styles Under Stress and in Conflict
  • Small Group Activity: Getting to Neutral
Productive Conflict
  • Functional Versus Dysfunctional Conflict
  • Foundation for Productive Conflict: Psychological Safety
  • Four Stages of Psychological Safety
  • Class Activity: Stages of Psychological Safety
Team Culture
  • Defining Norms and Agreements
  • Small Group Activity: Exploring Team Norms
  • Individual Activity: Creating Your Personal Action Plan
  • Summary and Next Steps

MDI1371e Course Code

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