Practice Area

Management and Leadership

Cultivating and Integrating a Hybrid Team

  • Virtual Instructor-led: 3-hour session

The global pandemic forced organizations all over the world to quickly adopt the technologies and practices of virtual work. Making the transition from a fully — or mostly — remote workforce to a hybrid work-from-home (WFH) model, however, requires us to truly rethink the design of work across the axes of place and time. This paradigm shift involves factoring in individual preferences and competencies as well as team needs and job-related productivity drivers. It also introduces some new challenges with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

How do we optimize the benefits of a hybrid model so our work lives can be more purposeful, productive, and flexible? How do we anticipate invisible power differentials created by hybrid work arrangements and build in equitable practices to compensate for them? In this interactive session, we ’ll explore hybrid work from a variety of perspectives, including access to resources, visibility, proximity, and productivity. We ’ll look at ways to define new norms and shift team culture to maximize engagement and collaboration. We will also identify concrete actions that managers can take to create an equitable, inclusive experience.

Target Audience

This course is designed for managers, leaders, team leads, and team members working on hybrid teams.

Learning Objectives

  • Articulate the pros and cons of hybrid work.
  • Identify power differentials introduced by hybrid work arrangements.
  • Reimagine the way teamwork might occur along the axes of time and place.
  • Take action to balance inequities around access to resources and visibility.
  • Define digital communication norms for your team.
  • Create a team charter for your hybrid team.

Course Outline

Remote, Hybrid, or Onsite?
  • Flexible Work Style Versus a Hybrid WFH Model
  • The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Work
  • Making the Hybrid Workplace Fair
    • Power Differentials Associated with Positioning
    • Collaboration (Asynchronous/Synchronous)
    • Balancing Individual Preferences with Team Needs
  • The Changing Role of the Office
Rethinking the Design of Work
  • Elements of Hybrid: Place and Time
  • Time and Place Group Spectrogram
  • Four Perspectives to Consider
    • Jobs and Tasks — Critical Drivers of Productivity
    • Employee Preferences — Time and Availability Boundaries
    • Projects and Workflows
    • Equity and Inclusion
  • Mapping Work to the Hybrid 2 x 2 Matrix
Viewing Hybrid Work Through an Equity Lens
  • Hybridity Positioning
    • Access to Resources
    • Visibility (of the Person and the Work)
  • Hybridity Competence
  • Balancing for Inequity
Optimizing Hybrid Team Work
  • The Importance of Psychological Safety
  • Defining Digital Communication Norms
  • Transforming Team Culture
    • Creating a Team Charter
    • Setting Time and Availability Boundaries
  • Connecting Intentionally
  • Building and Developing Your Team
  • Work from Anywhere Weeks
  • Focus Time (Product Area and Function-Specific Focus Hours Where Internal Meetings are Limited)
  • Reset Days — Global Days off for Mental/Emotional/Physical Health
Best Practices in Empathy
  • Brit Insurance
  • Ericsson
  • Fujitsu
  • Equinor Personas

MDV2010-5 Course Code

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