Practice Area

Project Management

Program Management: Managing in the Complex Multiple Project Environment

  • Traditional Classroom: 3-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Six 3-hour sessions

This comprehensive three-day course approaches program management from two key dimensions: the role it plays in advancing enterprise strategy and the role it plays in coordinating a complex group of projects toward efficient and effective delivery of program outcomes. Tools and templates that assist in assessing and prioritizing programs, preparing program business cases, program charters and communication plans, and completing stakeholder assessments are provided to you.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include senior project managers, program managers, and program directors.

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate the value of program management for orchestrating complex projects to deliver benefits that implement enterprise strategy.
  • Use course concepts and tools with real programs in class and thereby enhance both relevance and immediate application.
  • Differentiate programs and projects in terms of roles, responsibilities, life cycles, and sophistication.

Key Takeaways

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the complexities involved with planning and managing large programs that consist of multiple interrelated projects.
  • Evaluate and apply practical techniques for success on programs, implementing the best practices of today’s industry leaders.

Pre-Course Work

The exercises in this class depend upon participants having a reasonable level of knowledge about programs currently underway within their organization. Participants will be asked to use real program data in class. This will both reinforce the concepts and enable attendees to immediately begin applying them to their current programs.

A pre-course communication is sent out by CEG, requesting that participants think about and bring the following information with them to the course (if it is available):

  1. Current program management processes and tools in use.
  2. Up to two current or recent programs you have been part of in any way, including the program:
    • Business case
    • Charter
    • Statement of work or scope document
    • Outline or org chart of component projects
    • Integrated WBS and master schedule

Course Outline

Module 1: Course Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Course Overview
    • Exercise: Current Practices in Your Organization
Module 2: The Program Management Domain
  • Terminology
  • Program Management and Enterprise Strategy
  • Project vs. Program vs. Portfolio Management
  • Program Life Cycle
  • Program Governance
  • Program Complexity
    • Exercise: Assess Program Complexity
Module 3: Program Selection
  • Program Assessment
    • Exercise: Program Assessment
  • Business Analysis
    • Vertical Requirements
    • Horizontal Requirements
    • Requirements Gap Analysis
    • Discussion: Program vs. Project Requirements
    • Traceability
  • The Program Business Case
    • Exercise: Prepare a Program Business Case
  • Program Prioritization
    • Exercise: Prioritizing a Program
  • Non-selection
Module 4: Program Initiation
  • Program and Project Management Standard
  • Stakeholder Identification and Assessment
    • Exercise: Perform a Stakeholder Analysis
  • The Program Manager
  • Selection
  • Role and Characteristics
  • Prepare the Program Charter
    • Exercise: Create a Program Charter
Module 5: Program Organization
  • Program Creation vs. Assembly
  • Program Components
    • Exercise: Compare Programs versus Projects
  • Program Teams
    • Core and Extended Teams
  • Participation and Accountability
  • Program Planning
    • Program Planning Elements
  • Business Analysis Elements
  • Statement of Work (SOW)
  • Program WBS
    • Exercise: Prepare an Integrated Master Schedule and Program Structure
    • Exercise: Mapping Project Deliverables to Program Benefits
  • Communication Policies
    • Exercise
  • Requirements Management
  • Change Management
  • Issue and Risk Management
  • Financial Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Kickoffs
Module 6: Program Delivery
  • Leadership vs. Management
    • Discussion: Compare Leadership and Management at the Program and Project Levels
  • Standards
    • Scaled Agile Framework
  • Business Analysis
    • Exercise: Evaluate Program Business Analysis
  • Benefits Delivery
    • Exercise: Evaluate Program Benefits Delivery
  • Status Reporting
    • Exercise: Plan Program Status Reporting
  • Issues and Risk Management
    • Discussion: Major Impediments to Successful Risk Management
  • Program Performance Evaluation
    • Exercise: Methods of Program Performance Evaluation
  • Change Management
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Resource Management
  • Quality Management
    • Discussion: Quality Management at the Program and Project Levels
  • Communication Management
Module 7: Program Completion
  • Lessons Learned
  • Program and Project Transition
    • Preparation
  • Staffing and Skills Needed
  • Documentation and Support
  • Detailed Procedures
  • Tools
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Program and Project Closure
    • Exercise: Prepare a Program Completion Plan
    • Exercise: Summarize Your Learning
Supplemental Material (Tools and Templates)
  • Complexity Table
  • Program Assessment Template
  • Program Business Case Template
  • Program Prioritization Tool
  • Stakeholder Assessment Tool
  • Program Charter Template
  • Program vs. Project – Similarities and Differences
  • Program Communication Plan Template
  • Bibliography

MDP117C Course Code

For more information on this topic, as well as how Corporate Education Group can help power your organization’s performance, contact us via email or call 1.800.288.7246 (US only) or +1.978.649.8200. You can also use our Information Request Form!


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Project Management Training and Development Solutions Catalog

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Project Management Certificate Program

Learn how projects and their life cycles fit within the goals, structure, and culture of an organization and how to ensure projects deliver value. Get your Certificate today!

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Agile and Scrum Training Solutions Catalog

From scaled enterprise transformations to team-level development, CEG’s life cycle agile and Scrum solutions will help you achieve your strategic business objectives.

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