Practice Area

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Building Leadership Agility Using SLII® Concepts

  • Traditional Classroom: ½-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: One 4-hour session; Two 2-hour sessions; One 3-hour session

In this introduction to SLII®, you’ll learn an intuitive, practical leadership framework that matches the developmental level of an employee on a task with the optimal levels of direction and support they need to succeed. The goal of this session is to enable you to successfully use a proven model for developing others based on their task-specific level of confidence, competence, and motivation.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include new and experienced managers, supervisors, and team leaders who want to enhance their ability to provide the right level of support and direction to team members with differing abilities, experience, and work styles.

Program Objectives

  • Articulate the impact of over-supervision or under-supervision on employee morale and performance.
  • List the three skills of SLII®.
  • Identify SMART goals.
  • Associate behavioral characteristics with development levels in the SLII framework.
  • Distinguish between directive and supportive leadership behaviors.
  • Match leadership styles to the appropriate development levels using scenarios.
  • Identify concrete actions to take to increase your leadership agility.

Course Outline

Module 1: Getting Started
  • Introduction and Learning Goals
Module 2: The Impact of Too Much or Not Enough Leadership
Module 3: The Three Skills of SLII
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Diagnosing Developmental Level
  • Matching Your Leadership Style
Module 4: Scenario Practice
Module 5: Your LBAII® Self-Report
Module 6: Course Summary and Next Steps

For full program details, view the brochure or contact

MDV2010a Course Code

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