Corporate Education Group


Project Management Online Skills Assessment

In many cases, your team’s strengths and weaknesses are hidden because they can only be viewed through the lens of group dynamics, corporate culture, and measurable project goal completions. Proficiency in specific project management technical skills, leadership skills, and necessary interpersonal skills must be evaluated carefully and in isolation to ensure mastery.

Corporate Education Group’s Project Management Online Skills Assessment is designed to provide the accurate, in-depth insights that you need to achieve significant performance improvements within your organization.

Project Management iconOverview

The Project Management Online Skills Assessment is derived from Corporate Education Group’s Project Management Competency Model, which is based in part on the Project Management Institute® (PMI®) Competency Development Framework. Corporate Education Group's model also includes a business/leadership category detailing essential contributing competencies for a well-rounded and effective project manager.

Our standard self-paced objective online assessment assesses two of three distinct competency categories:

  • Technical — includes the ten core Knowledge Areas identified by the Project Management Institute’s® (PMI’s®) Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK® Guide)
  • Business and Leadership — includes a big-picture focus, political savvy, strategic positioning, business operations knowledge, and the ability to build relationships

For enterprise organizational assessments CEG offers several additional tailored solutions, including:

  • Combined self-rater objective and subjective assessments across all three competency categories
  • Combined self-rater objective assessments with multi-rater subjective assessments to combine qualitative and quantitative data capture
  • Multi-rater subjective assessments ranging from 180 degree to 360 degree across all three competency categories
  • Consultative assessments either in addition to or in lieu of online competency assessment to evaluate not only individual and organizational skills and competence but also other contributing factors to project excellence including process, tools, organizational structure, and executive and business alignment.

Contact a CEG assessment advisor for additional information and to discuss which solution and approach may best serve your needs.

Project Management iconQuestion Breakdown by Competency

Corporate Education Group’s Project Management Online Skills Assessment is composed of 144 multiple-choice questions drawing from a pool of 167 questions. The assessment randomizes the order each question is presented and then randomizes the answer choices for each question. This triple-randomization process creates an individualized assessment for each participant. No participant will receive the same assessment. The assessment may be taken in stages, thus giving the ability to leave the assessment at any point and return to complete it at a later time. Below is a detailed breakdown of questions by competency:

Competency Amount (#) in Question Pool Used in Assessment
Integration 17 10
Scope 11 10
Schedule 13 10
Cost 14 10
Quality 11 10
Resource 11 10
Communications 11 10
Risk 13 10
Procurement 13 10
Stakeholder 10 10
Enterprise View 18 18
Business Acumen 8 8
Organizational Savvy 6 6
Productive Work Environment 12 12
Total 167 144

Rating Scale

Each individual’s competencies are rated using the following scale (organizations can also define their own rating scale if they choose):

  • 90% – 100% Expert: Coaches and supports other utilizing breadth of experience or specialized depth of expertise
  • 76% – 89% Proficient: Exercises a breadth of knowledge and skills to address complex situations without guidance
  • 50% – 75% Functional: Regularly applies knowledge or skills to routine situations, occasionally requiring guidance
  • 20% – 49% Aware: Possesses knowledge and is familiar with concepts, but has not applied them to a real situation
  • 0% – 19% Unaware: Does not recognize this knowledge or skill dimension

Ratings can then be prioritized by individual, group, or organizational levels to help target training efforts, set employee improvements plans, and ensure your organization has the right business processes and systems in place.

Project Management iconReports

The online objective assessment is hosted on the Questionmark® platform, and reporting includes: an individual report, a roll-up group summary report, and an optional executive summary and recommendations report. Data can either be attributed to an individual, or that information can be kept confidential. We can also capture additional information such as individual’s title/role, business unit, region, etc., for further analysis of results.

Sample Reports

Executive Summary (Optional)

After the assessment has been deployed and results tabulated, a subject matter expert (SME) will analyze the data from the online objective assessment to derive what the strengths and weakness are and develop a training solution plan that will meet the client’s needs. Focus groups may also be conducted, and those findings can be threaded within the analysis. The report will be 5-10 pages and includes the following:

  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Methodology
  • Results Analysis as well as Assessment Summary Table
  • Rating Scale Summary Table and Analysis
  • Rating by Knowledge Area Summary Table and Analysis
  • Common Themes
  • Recommendations, including a detailed assessment of recommended learning objectives and pathways

For more information on this topic, as well as how Corporate Education Group can help power your organization’s performance, contact us via email or call 1.800.288.7246 (US only) or +1.978.649.8200. You can also use our Information Request Form!

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