Practice Area

Lean Six Sigma and Business Process

Business Process Management Fundamentals

  • Traditional Classroom: 1-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Two 3-3.5 hour sessions; Three 2-hour sessions

Business Process Management (BPM) Fundamentals is valuable to people new to BPM. It provides an overview of BPM as both a management discipline and as a set of enabling technologies. Our program offers information about the history of BPM and the key concepts, terms, and techniques used in a BPM project. Business process management is an organizational discipline where a company takes a step back and looks at all of these processes in total and individually. It analyzes the current state and identifies areas of improvement to create a more efficient and effective organization.

This program provides an overview of process, analysis, and design and offers insight into the tools and technologies used to support the BPM discipline. Participants will learn about the practices and the technologies that are making business process management a much needed approach to solving business problems and improving performance.

Group discussions and exercises will be used to develop an understanding of the key concepts.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include business leaders, business analysts, business architects, project managers, business process managers, and anyone involved in process improvement. It also establishes a common language to share with others in the organization.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic principles of business process management.
  • Become familiar with the key terms and concepts in BPM.
  • Learn the major approaches and techniques for implementing BPM.
  • Discover various tools and technologies that enable BPM.

Course Outline

Introduction to BPM
  • What Is BPM?
  • Key Benefits and Concepts
  • Individual Activity: WIIFM
  • History of BPM
BPM Principles
  • BPM Principles
    • Focus on the Customer
    • Develop Process Thinking
    • Instill Ownership
    • Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement
  • Polling: Quiz
BPM Development and Deployment
  • BPM Execution
    • Vision
    • Strategy
    • Measures
    • Processes
    • Monitoring
    • Improvement
  • Class Activity: Convert Customer Needs to Critical Customer Requirements
  • Class Activity: Identifying Monitoring Methods
  • Polling: Quiz
  • Class Activity: Virtual Waste Walk
  • Class Activity: Batch vs. 1x1 Processing
  • Polling: Quiz
Process Improvement Methods
  • TQM
  • PDCA
    • Group Breakout Activity: Coin Spin PDCA
  • Kaizen
  • Six Sigma
  • Lean Thinking
  • A3 — The Toyota Way
BPM Tools and Technologies
Getting Started with BPM
  • Approaches
    • Top Down
    • Bottom Up
    • End-to-End Value Streams
  • BPM Maturity Model
Wrap-Up and Next Steps
  • Revisit WIIFM Individual Activity
  • Individual Reflections
  • Final Thoughts

MDV1591 Course Code

For more information on this topic, as well as how Corporate Education Group can help power your organization’s performance, contact us via email or call 1.800.288.7246 (US only) or +1.978.649.8200. You can also use our Information Request Form!


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