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Lean Six Sigma and Business Process

Is Earning a Certificate in Business Process Management Right for You?

Business process management (BPM) builds careers for innovators, for those who like to challenge the status quo. Earning a certificate in BPM gives you depth as a process problem solver, equipping you with skills to see the holes in a process and the vision to streamline it.

Earning a Certificate in Business Process Management
A business process management certificate could jumpstart your career progression.

A certificate in BPM can change the future of your career by helping you develop proficiency in an area of expertise that is critical to every company, regardless of industry. It’s exactly the path for you if:

You’re looking for the opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

A certificate in BPM should help accelerate you to the next career level. Hiring outside BPM consultants is incredibly expensive, and most companies would rather rely on a trusted, proven employee with the right credentials to improve business processes and increase profitability. As a trained business process manager, you’ll position yourself to take the reins on a category of processes that organizations often know they need, but feel unequal to tackling alone. A certificate in BPM on your resume also showcases your expertise to potential employers, meaning you’re more attractive as a resource to future companies. Your training immediately makes you more hirable and cements your importance within your organization.

You’re a “big picture” person.

BPM professionals have the ability to see the best aspects of each business process management approach and implement them where appropriate. While others in your company might narrowly focus on measurements or customers or supply chains, you see how they network, and understand that honing each step of the process is the ultimate goal. If you want to learn to develop long-term strategy, executed with attention to the immediate and detailed, a career in business process management is a good fit.

You think creatively.

Business process management professionals rank among the most ingenious members of any staff because they are tasked with "re-imagining how work should be done." Whether you’re making minor tweaks to further refine a process or completely dismantling a process and restructuring it from scratch, it takes a keen creative eye to imagine how a process can run more efficiently. An even greater challenge is in restructuring those processes with as little disruption to the company as possible, and both are skills you’ll gain from a certificate course in business process management. If you like to tackle complicated problems with innovative solutions, you’re exactly the type of person who would excel with a business process management certificate.

You’re constantly learning.

Business process management is the career path for those who want to continue to learn about their company and then integrate their new knowledge into practice, changing and improving their organizations as they grow. A certificate in business process management does more than sharpen your process management acumen; it trains you to help your company evolve and encourages learning as another skill in your skill set. The best BPM professionals are constantly working to build more efficient processes and a better company. If you want to continually deepen your understanding of the processes that make a company tick, a BPM certificate program is right for you.

You’re driven by excellence.

At its core, business process management represents the constant improvement of an organization. A career in BPM is right for the person who wants to learn a business process like the back of their hand, and then make it better. Good BPM professionals are driven by the pursuit of excellence, manifested in more efficient processes, tighter systems and improved profitability, customer service and ultimately, company growth. If you’re passionate about making a company the very best that it can be, you’ll a natural business process management professional.

The good news is that by reading this article, you’re already on the right track. If the traits above describe you and your career goals, a BPM certificate program is an excellent fit. And, if you decide that a BPM certificate is the path for you, Corporate Education Group's business process management programs lead global thought on BPM methodology. CEG offers a full range of BPM certificate programs from introductory to advanced, with experienced instructors who will give you the knowledge, tools and skills necessary to excel as a BPM professional.

To get started today on earning your Business Process Management certificate, or to find out which CEG program suits you best, click here or call us at 1.800.288.7246.

For more information on this topic, as well as how Corporate Education Group can help power your organization’s performance, contact us via email or call 1.800.288.7246 (US only) or +1.978.649.8200. You can also use our Information Request Form!


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