Practice Area

Agile and Scrum

Start and Finish on Target with Agile User Stories and Retrospectives

  • Traditional Classroom: 1-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Two 3-3.5 hour sessions; Three 2-hour sessions

This comprehensive one-day course guides participants on how to effectively initiate and complete projects by applying agile best-practices to manage project requirements and lessons learned.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include executives, business sponsors, portfolio managers, program managers, product managers, project managers, project team leaders, project team members, project subject matter experts, project management office staff, and anyone interested in learning more about leveraging best-practiced agile user story and retrospectives techniques.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe agile requirements management, types, perceptions, and challenges.
  • Define agile user story definitions, benefits, roles, and personas.
  • Apply user story best practices to achieve smart requirements.
  • Describe the definition, benefits, and challenges involved in conducting agile retrospectives.
  • Learn key steps and tips involved in an agile retrospective framework.
  • Practice various techniques in conducting efficient agile retrospectives.

Course Outline

Module 1: Agile Requirements Overview
  • User Stories
  • Features
  • Enhancements
  • Defects and Errors
  • Non-Functional Requirements
  • Technical Debt
  • Exercise: Class Discussion on How Effective Agile Requirements Promote Project Success
Module 2: User Story Best Practices
  • Definitions and Benefits
  • Roles and Personas
  • Components and Lifecycle
  • Requirements Gathering Techniques and Prioritization
  • User Story Format and Acceptance Criteria
  • INVEST Model and the Definition of Done
  • Exercise: Group Workshop on Applying User Story Best Practices
Module 3: Retrospective Introduction
  • Definitions and Perspective
  • Benefits and Supporting Agile Principles
  • Differences to Other Project Closing Activities
  • Exercise: Learning from Project Mistakes
Module 4: Agile Retrospective Framework
  • Planning and Logistics
  • Setting the Stage
  • Gathering Data
  • Generating Insights
  • Creating the Action Plan
  • Closing and Moving On
  • Exercise: Group Workshop on Applying Retrospective Framework

MDP585 Course Code

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Project Management Training and Development Solutions Catalog

Ensure you and your teams are well trained and know how to leverage project management tools, techniques, and methodologies to enable personal and organizational growth.

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Project Management Certificate Program

Learn how projects and their life cycles fit within the goals, structure, and culture of an organization and how to ensure projects deliver value. Get your Certificate today!

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Agile and Scrum Training Solutions Catalog

From scaled enterprise transformations to team-level development, CEG’s life cycle agile and Scrum solutions will help you achieve your strategic business objectives.

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