Practice Area

Management and Leadership

Creating a Coaching Mindset for Motivation and Change

  • 1 day(s) Duration

Executing a successful business strategy is linked to an organization’s understanding of what drives results. People perform best when their leaders can articulate the current state/situation of their organization, what’s being asked of them, and how success is defined and measured. When the critical drivers of its business model are clear, the organization can turn its focus towards analysis and improvement opportunities. Change is hard work. While an organization’s success is measured by its ability to deliver results, coaching is a process that facilitates productive changes designed to bring improvement results through understanding the business drivers.

This can be done through the creation of a conscious and structured relationship that is focused on learning, improving, and delivering results. A coach can help guide, create, and monitor processes for individuals and teams to take purposeful actions in achieving goals. This interactive, “hands-on” program provides leaders the opportunity to learn and apply coaching tools and techniques in a safe environment. Participants will watch and experience being coached, learn new skills, and become familiar with the benefits of coaching. The use of coaching has been recognized as a means to support and sustain successful organizational change.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include directors, managers, and supervisors; new and experienced leaders; and team leaders and individuals who want to gain coaching skills.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the importance of transparency and clarity when defining current state, success drivers, and productive change behaviors.
  • Understand and define what coaching is, how to do it, and when.
  • Use coaching to surface powerful questions, listen between the lines, and create solutions.
  • Develop coaching relationships and processes that are based on a contract, goals, and permission.
Key Takeaways
  • Awareness of the power and use of coaching to support change and deliver results.
  • The experience of being coached and of having coached others.
  • How to use coaching tools and techniques in your environment.
Course Outline
Module 1: What Drives Your Business?
  • Metrics and Materiality
  • Actions vs. Results
  • Connecting Strategy with Action
  • Criticality of Communication
Module 2: The Goals of Good Coaching
  • Why Coach — Establish the Case for a Coaching Mindset
  • The Purpose of Coaching
  • Definitions, Types, and Benefits of Coaching
  • Characteristics of a Good Coach
  • What Coaching Is and What It Is Not
Module 3: Creating a Coaching Environment
  • Motivation and Change — One Size Does Not Fit All
  • Creating the Right Environment
  • Signs of Good Coaching
  • Asking Good Questions
  • Small Group Exercise — Applying Questioning Techniques
Module 4: The Power of Listening
  • The Discipline of Active Listening
  • Three Levels of Listening
  • Key Observations of Effective Listening
  • Active Listening Activity (Fishbowl Demo with Paired Exercise)
Module 5: Creating Solutions and Getting Results Through Coaching
  • Coach vs. Manage — Shifting the Paradigm
  • Effective Coaching Process — Models You Can Apply
  • Coaching Practice
  • When Coaching Isn’t Working
Module 6: The Path to Execution
  • Putting It All Together — An Approach
  • Your Coaching Plan
  • Additional Resources

MDI088a Course Code

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